Catherin Joos

Catherin is half Filipina and half German. She grew up in south Germany near the swiss border in a village close to Schaffhausen. In 2010 she graduated from the “Freiburger Musical- und Schauspielschule” and got her diploma as a musical actress. Since then Catherin played in many theatres across Europe, for example “Z-The musical of Zorro”, “Faust”, “Wachgeküsst”, “The Jungle Book”, “Jim Knopf and Lukas der Lokomotivführer”, “A little Magic Flute”, “Hair”, “Peter Pan” and “Die Räuber”. Last winter she toured as lead character “Kantorka” in the Musical “Krabat” through Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Catherin performed as a lead soloist in Varieté theatres such as “Palazzo Columbino Basel” and “Schubeck’s Teatro Munich/Linz” and on cruise ships of the “AIDA” company and recently on the “MS Artania/Phoenix Cruises”. She also works as the lead singer in the band “Manyana” and is a member of the wedding choir “Engelsgleich”, both located in Munich. In addition to her engagements, she also performs with her own band SANDHOFEN, including at the Munich Oktoberfest. Catherin has been an integral part of "DIE NACHT DER MUSICALS" as a soloist for several years and is looking forward to another exciting upcoming season.
